Tuesday, March 24, 2009

3 Year Blogiversary

I love blogging. Today is my 3 year blogiversary and I am thrilled to pieces that so many of you have enjoyed glimpsing through this window into my life.

Ryan's Grandma Cox is one of my favorite readers. Each time I post I think to myself "is this something that Grandma Cox would find entertaining?" and if the answer is "yes" then I hit "Publish" (Thanks for reading Grandma Cox!)

Here are some of the most popular posts from the last 3 years. Apparently you readers seem to enjoy the stories of shenanigans best...

Hot Sheets
What would you have done?
Homeless Picture
Flashback Friday
Shampoo and Conditioner
One thing I learned yesterday...
On Housewifing
Metatarsal-Phalangeal Capsilitis & Bipartite Sesamoid
How a Donut Hole Ruined My Day
Flashback Friday

Over the last 3 years 36,880 Unique Vistors have checked out my site. I'm sure about 36,800 of those never returned, but for the 80 of you who have come back, thanks for reading!

I don't usually do this, but...
I'd love to know who you are and why you come back! Leave me a comment!


Mindy said...

I am Mindy (Chamberlain) Denning. I went to Hope with you and we reunited through the Blogosphere. Now we've started over with our friendship which I hope lasts many many years! I love reading your blog because it's a good variety of snipits from the web and stuff from your real life... always entertaining/cute/silly/thought-provoking.

Becky Hunter said...

I am your aunt. I think you are absolutely awesome and your blog is thoroughly entertaining. Also, since I live on the other side of this great country of ours, your blog gives me the false but comforting impression that you live next door. Looking forward to seeing you, Ryan and baby BeeCox in a few weeks!

Anonymous said...

I am your little brother, Aaron Beeson. I come here to find out what is really going on in the world. And usually get my fill of laughter while I'm at it. But more than anything else, your blog is an encouragement to me to live a life worth living.

Anonymous said...

I am anonymous. I poke fun at the mannerisms of your husband, and his hairy little brother.

Anonymous said...

Amber, you asked a while ago who reads your blog and why...and I'm the one that you're going to meet "at the right of the throne in about 10,000 years!" I didn't think it was possible to love someone you've never met, but it is, I just LOVE how you share your life with us. God bless you and that precious family of yours...I'll be seeing you in a blink of an eye!!! Dara Hulse

Leticia said...

Hi, dear... it's me, Tiece, and I love you :) You make me smile!!! Have a fantastic day (I'm so dropping in unexpected one of these days ;) )!

Rebekah Wallace said...

I'm Bekah and although we have never met, we know some of the same people so I feel like we are blog friends! I come back because I appreciate your upbeat perspective on life & your faith. And because I am excited you are going to be a mommy!

Unknown said...

I'm your husband, Ryan. I'm the guy who sits across from you at the dinner table and who asks you to move a little closer to your side of the bed at night. I'm the guy who can't stand hot sheets. You may see me featured throughout your blog in pictures and various stories. At first I was reluctant to read your blog because I prefered a real life relationship to an online one. I like hearing your stories in person. I have changed my mind though. I still enjoy our real life conversations, but I love how your blog has turned into an online scrapbook of our life. All of the pictures and stories are so great and there for us and the whole world to remember. I love you.

amberWIRE said...

Awwww, I love you too Ry pie and I love that you left a comment on my blog!
Your Girl

Anonymous said...

I am Jenny Johnson. I knew you from GCC and find your blog very interesting and amusing! You are a real genuinue person sharing your life and story with us in the blogosphere! Thanks for sharing your life!
Jenny Johnson
Fowler, IN

Dan Vukmirovich said...

I am Lisa V and I am always checking in to see what you have to say! I have to say that I am enjoying all of the updates on your pregnancy (once you're a mom, you want to know everything about everyone else's experiences). I also love the links-who can forget "Jesus is My Friend" ? Thanks for keeping me entertained!

Grandma Bennett said...

Hi Amber, I've loved you since you were born and finding your blog on your dad's site has been a blessing. It is so fun to keep up with happenings of your life. I am so excited about you becoming a mom and hope to see your family this summer. Blessings, Joann

Anonymous said...

What? You stopped with too few posts. I went back and read them all. It was impossible for me to find a single post that was not brilliant, compelling, interesting and delightful. All your posts should be read - and memorized. Of that, I'm convinced.
You are awesome Amber!

Kelli Marie said...

I am Kelli, I met your hubby at the hospital while he was taking care of our daughter and through that E.R visit you have became a dear friend! I am so glad we connected, you are loved Amber. Have a great day. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I am the garbage man, the garbage man, the garbage man.
I am the garbage man.
I take your garbage away.

amberWIRE said...

Jason! That made me laugh out loud!
Almost as loud as I laughed when you jumped out of that trash can and scared me half to death! Good Times.

pandjalexander said...

My name is Jennifer Alexander. I found your blog through Leticia's blog. I like reading your blog because we're both in the same semi-uncomfortable position: PREGNANT! You're a little ahead of me, so I like reading to see what I have to look forward to.

Kate said...

I don't know if this was on your list, but the dishwasher incident was one of my faves.

I am Kate. I am pretty sure you and Becky plotted my demise in middle school when I "stole" Mike Singleton from her. Good times.

Anonymous said...

I am Suzanne, a single mom of eight. I found your blog from Judy Gregory's blog. I just love your stories and your links. You are just great. Thanks for sharing your life's stories.

Unknown said...

I have attended GCC for 12 years. I give my kids some extra love when I read about having baby #1. (they are 16, 13, 7 and 6 years old) Those were the days! Different points in our journey but I am with you as you walk with Christ! Thanks for taking me along!

Natalie said...

I am a 39 year old mom of 3 kids living outside Harrisburg, PA.

Before kids, I was a PR professional. When I came home to do the mom thing I started doing a lot of PR type of work at my church as a volunteer. In my effort to raise the level of communications in my church, I started searching the web for other churches who were handling their communications with excellence. I came across GCC and Tony Morgan, Kem Meyer, etc and the rest is history. Somewhere along the line I came across your blog.

Why have I kept reading? As a mom who fills her days with poopy diapers, sippy cups and temper tantrums, you help me remember what it was like to be young and fancy free.

As odd as it sounds, I love keeping up with what's happening with you and the baby, Ryan and med school, where you are moving, fun stuff you found on the web, etc.

So thanks for the three years and I hope you continue blogging for many more.

And since turnabout is fair play, I invite you to check me out at my two blogs so you can be reassured I'm not some crazy stalker person :}


Blessings, Natalie

Mo said...

I am Mo Breden. I started off as your little sister, Angela's best friend...then moved to being Aaron's friend and now I'm yours. See how I did that? Very tricky.

I read your blog because I look up to you and you make me laugh.

I'd like that thank the internet for being the bridge to many great friendships. Love you.

ODCFkids said...

i'm your friend's wife - hopefully that gives me friend status as well - and i think you write entertaining things. you are funny. :) jen