Thursday, July 13, 2006

metatarsal phalangeal capsilitis & bipartite sesamoid

A few weeks ago I decided to become a jogger. Nothing serious, just 20 minutes of light jogging and a nice cool down walk. Over the weekend during my jogs I was starting to feel really great, like I should start training for something or maybe invest in some proper running shoes.

Throughout my jog on Tuesday, I thought about how great I was feeling, that I was really starting to become a jogger, that I wasn't even winded and was going at a good pace. When I was running I felt great, when I got home and did my streatches I felt great, and then about an hour later my big toe started hurting. I went to see Bryan next door, because he is going to be a physical therapist. He checked it out and siad that it could be my sesamoid bone, and then showed me a picture in one of his books. I took his advice and held some ice on it for awhile, but then noticed that it was beginning to swell.

A bit frustrated, I took some Aleve and went to bed, assuming that my bug toe would be better by morning. Upon waking (at 4:00am) because I couldn't sleep because I kept thinking about how my foot should be feeling better by now but it was not) I decided to get up and take a look at it in the light. I found it to be quite swollen around the big toe area of my right I hobbled back to bed walking on the outside edge of my right foot the whole way there. I thought about going to the ER, but Ryan said I would wait all day because I would be last in line compared to other serious injuries...he is smart.

I called to make an appointment with Dr. J (because he does Sports Medicine) but the place wasn't open to take calls because it was only 5:51am. So I watched the news for awhile until 7:30 when the place opened. Dr. J didn't have an opening until the after hanging up, I called his office directly and they got me in at 11:15. Yippee!

After examining my hurt foot, Dr. J told me that he hadn't seen anything like this. He said that the big toe is so strong, normally something else would be hurt first, and then he told me to drive over the the Hospital Outpatient Center for some x-rays and then come back to see him. When I returned, he told me that I had a bipartite sesamoid and metatarsalphalangeal capsilitis (whatever that is.) Then he gave me a funny blue shoe to wear and sent me on my way. I called Ryan on my way home and...don't tell anybody, but he pulled up my x-rays on his computer at school. He explained that one of my Sesamoid Bones was broken completely in half ... but that I could have been born that way. Then he told me that capsilitis is a vague term used by doctors to explain swelling and inflammation.

So, esentially, Ryan was a better doctor than the doctor. My toe is feeling much better today. Im still gimping around, but I enjoy getting to wear my Crocs to work :o)


Anonymous said...

what smart husbands we have!

Anonymous said...

Ambs, Get the toe better quick! You may need it to do your back flip raft dives in a few weeks. Praying for you sweetie! Love, MOMO

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Amber - I saw your post on bipartite sesamoid. Thought you should know about insoles that will pad the sesamoid to relieve the pressure of jogging. I work with the Pedag, so I'm familiar with the condition and solution.

Check their website - three products will pad the metatarsal to relieve the pressure and prevent the pain (or reduce it so you can heeal!). The inserts are the Viva, which has a full sole....the relax, which is a half sole....and the T-form, which fits right under the metatarsal pad to take care of the sesmoid.

Good luck and running! Hope this helps.

Ryan Hixenbaugh