Tuesday, April 4, 2006


Today has been pretty good. Ive been eating white cheddar rice cakes (which I love), people have been coming to pick up ceramic molds and Spoon Noodlers (which is good), and to top it all off, the sun is out. It is ony 47 degrees, but from in here looking out my office window, I have convinced myself that it is in the mid 70's. I can't wait for summer! I can't wait to get my t-shirts out.

Ryan started his Surgery rotation, which will be three months of craziness for us. He will be at the hospital from 5am-7pm every day! So far, he seems to be doing well. If anyone has some tasty, easy, mostly healthy recipes they would like to share, I would gladly accept them.

Now, don't be fooled, I am not a chef by any means....I am simply hoping to have dinner on the table 6 out of 7 nights a week for the next three months. Thank the lord for one Date Night a week! Take note that throughout our marriage so far I have not succeeded at the cooking dinner every night thing. So I am open for suggestions.

Please keep in mind that you are sending recipe ideas to the girl who was looking for scallions in the sea-food section and could not find "oleo" anywhere in the store. Keep it SIMPLE!

I am off to the grocery.

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