Thursday, April 6, 2006

I Moved!

Today I completed my move from the big-wig corner office to the cozy one down the hall :O) "Why the move?" You ask. Well, Paula will be working here at the Salvation Army for a lot longer than I will, so it is only right for her to get a promotion. I am adjusting well to my new space. I put up my pictures of Ryan and my calendar, both of which make this feel more like home.

Ryan is doing incredibly well considering the fact that he has been getting up at 4am and not getting home until 7pm. He stood in a surgery for 6 hours straight yesterday. I asked him what he would do if he had to go to the bathroom...he hadn't thought of that. Yesterday at dinner time he could hardly eat because his clock is all wacked out.

My clock is a bit wack as well. I have been going to bed by 9:00...but not getting up until 6am. This is a lot of sleep. I thought I might try to read in bed while Ryan was sleeping, but that didn't work out because the smallest amount of light messes up his perfect sleeping conditions. Tonight I am going to read on the couch for awhile...and then sneak as quietly as I can into bed without disturbing him.

There is a lot of adjusting going on in our lives. That is all I have to say about that.

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