Thursday, April 27, 2006

Citizen's Arrest

You know Gomer Pyle, on the Andy Griffith show. I thought of him yesterday because everything in me wanted to run around my town yelling "CITIZENS ARREST, CITIZENS ARREST"

Our silly neighbors won't move poor Bryan and Michelle are nomads, living with only the clothes on their back waiting around for my neighbors (who were supposed to be out on the 15th) to move out! It is ridiculous!

Because of this insanity, I realized that if I wanted to call the police...the only way I know of to reach them is dialing 911. I never learned how to get ahold of them for a non-emergency situation.

Is that something they should teach in schools? Or maybe people just figure that no one would want to talk to the police if it wasn't an emergency.



Anonymous said...

Hey Christopher can help you with talking to the police,heheheheheee! MOMO

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

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