Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Place In This World

Did anyone else spend many hours of their Jr. High years passionately singing this song into a hairbrush? I usually switched to the air guitar during the bridge then brought it home with the hairbrush again.

I also recall practicing for and planning to do a duet with Mike Singleton to this song. He was the best singer in Mrs. Hipsher's 7th grade choir class...needless to say, the duet never happened.


Sarah Schraw said...

He really captured my Christian teenaged angst.

heather said...

Oh my word - David and I went to a MWS concert last year, and we were so excited because we both remember being totally into him, but he was SO LAME. We didn't even stay for the whole concert it was that bad.

We realized we would have been better off living in our memories of the past than try to recreate it by going to a concert in 2008. :)