Thursday, November 9, 2006


When I was in Kindergarten...

  1. Mrs. Wetzel was my teacher and I loved her
  2. I had a crush on Darin Glick, who had a spike hairdo
  3. I was the library assistant - helping to stamp library cards which I found to be a great honor
  4. I wore a white sweatshirt nearly every day that said "GO FOR GOD - IT'LL BE GREAT!" in huge red letters
  5. Mrs. Zacrocki was my bus driver and I would sit with my friend Krystal every day on the bus.
  6. Until the day that Krystal told me we weren't friends anymore...which broke my heart.
  7. Until the next day when we sat by each other on the bus and everything was fine.

What were you doing in Kindergarten?


Corey Mann said...

I got up in front of the class for show and tell and told them that I had taken private lessons from the black man that dances on the Lawrence Welk Show and I was going to perform a tap dance routine for them. And then I did.

katie holt said...

actually, i think i was gluing things to you...

Anonymous said...

Ruth Ann was my best friend in kindergarten. We were like peas and carrots. During recess we played a game where the boys chased the girls. When a girl was caught she was "chained" to the fence, to await rescue from another girl. One particular day I was running particularly fast. On my way to rescue a friend, skillfully avoiding capture myself. I was running like the wind, as fast as my little legs could go. So was Ruth Ann, running running running. All of a sudden, BAM- we collided! Specificaly, my teeth collided with her forehead, knocking my front teeth back into my mouth. I was bleeding profusely, scared for my poor little teeth. I went to ask the teacher if I could go inside, and without looking at me, she shushed me and told me to go watch the swings for the last 5 minutes of recess. Being the obedient child that I was, I followed her directions and watched the swings- surely blood was pouring from my mouth. When recess was over and we all went inside, my teacher saw what had happened and asked why I didn't say anything. Oh the trials of being a lowly kindergartner!