Monday, November 27, 2006

The Elderly

What is it about aging that makes everyone look and act pretty much the same?

This is my rendition of what I might look like when I am

I went to the UPS store this afternoon, and everyone in line was a cute, tiny, elderly person. I was amazed. They all could have been my Grandma, they were all very kind, most of them had hats/gloves (eventhough it is 54 degrees today) and they were chattering amongst themselves as if they had known one other for a lifetime.

As I stood there in line at the UPS store observing their mild manners and their lovely fashion sense, I realized that I loved them. Maybe it was the joy of the Holiday Season in my heart, maybe it was memories of my own grandparents, either way, as I pulled out of my parking spot and waved good-bye to my new old friends, I loved them.

Why so many elderly people at the UPS store? Perhaps because they are the majority of people in society who get their Christmas Shipping done before December 1st.


Anonymous said...

"DO THE BEST YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU'VE GOT"....I still remember that from you and Hol at the Woman's retreat... :) I actually just told a client that today!! Those are some good words to live by! It was so great to get your vm and I'll talk to you soon, Ambs!!

Anonymous said...

awww, this is my first memory of you! from afar of course...

Anonymous said...

this is a great post! I love them too. :)