Other people have been a lot better at blogging conference notes than I have, so feel free to read those here, here, or here...and HERE is someone who didn't like Catalyst at all. Or, you can just check out my thoughts below.
Before I begin, let me just point out two things I noticed.
1.) There seems to be a total lack of really incredible female leader/speaker types represented from the platform at Catalyst
2.) I don't need to hear speakers cuss from the platform. I think some people think that by cussing the audience will relate better to them, but that is not the case. Instead, it makes me think they aren't creative enough to think of anything better to say...and cussing is simply not cool.
Andy Stanley (North Point Community Church): "Leadership is stewardship. It's temporary and you're accountable."
Marcus Buckingham (Formerly of Gallup): "Are you one of the only 2 of every 10 people who spend most of their time working in their areas of strength? Take a stand for your strengths! Areas of weakness are areas of least opportunity."
John Maxwell (my friend): "we attract who we are, not who we want. People don't pay for average. How do you find great leaders? Find potentially great leaders. Did Jesus spend an equal amount of time with everyone? No!"
Gary Haugen (President of International Justince Mission): "25,000 kids died today from hunger related causes. 1.5 billion don't have medical care...but this is not injustice. Victims of injustice are those who are abused and miserable because of other people! 1 million NEW children every year are taken into forced prostitution. God has a plan. We are the plan! God doesn't have a plan B. We're the plan!"
Donald Miller (I met Donald and had him sign a copy of Blue Like Jazz I got for Ryan): "Do we want to reach the world? Stop being lights in the lighthouse! We're supposed to be lights in the dark!"
Louie Giglio (Passion Movement): "The church is God's plan to change the world, not the government, not corporate America, not philanthropy."
Kevin Carroll (Nike, Livestong): "Each of us has a story. What inpsires you? what are you chasing? What are you so passionate about that you would lose your breath if it was taken away from you?"
Can you find me in the WORLDS LARGEST PILLOW FIGHT ? How about in THIS Dodgeball Tournament? I can't imagine what they'll think of for next year's world record...As you can see from the picture, I ran into Dan at one of the breaks! What a guy! I gave him some of my thoughts on which songs he should take back to Granger with him. You may be hearing "Glorious One" at a New Community Service really soon!
A big hit for me was when Jeff Foxworthy did his stuff in the last session. Hi-larious! Did you know he's is a Christian!?!? I love when famous people follow Christ! He even did some redneck jokes about the disciples, which were brilliant. They are too brilliant for me to even remember because I was laughing so hard.
You know you're a redneck if...
you have a set of salad bowls that say "cool whip" on the side!
you make change in the offering plate
fast food is hitting a deer at 65 mph
you have a race car on your prayer list
you stare at orange juice containers because they say "concentrate"
your dad walks you to school cause you're in the same grade
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