Tuesday, October 17, 2006

10 Ways to Lose Me as a Customer

1. Don't say anything to me when I first pull into your shop.

2. Badmouth other oil change places in front of me.

3. Cuss and swear while you're telling me how you hurt your knuckle while unscrewing my oil cap...do you want me to apologize or something?

4. Don't ask me what grade of oil I want, just go ahead and dump in 5 cans of the most expensive type you've got.

5. You're covered in oil...Don't stand so close to me.

6. Walk away for 3 of 4 minutes and leave me wondering if my oil change is complete.

7. Tell me to start up my car before the guy underneath says he's clear. That's not messy at all.

8. Put "10 minutes" on your sign and keep me there for over 30. I love that.

9. Have me pull forward before the guy under my car gets his head and hands out of the way.

10. Make me wonder what is leaking out from under the car after I have left your shop.

Thank you Lube Pro's, for inspiring this post.


Anonymous said...

i am DYING laughing right now- i can just picture you getting all ruffled at the dirty oil change place... hehe

J Aquila said...

rough day huh?