Friday, March 28, 2008

Something to think about

I read this quote the other day from Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

When I read it, it made me think - think hard - about how I make people feel. Do people feel encouraged when they’ve been around me? Do they feel loved? Valued? Important? Listened to? Or do they feel overlooked and undervalued? Do they feel like they were an interruption to what I actually would have preferred to be doing instead of focusing on them?

I don’t think Jesus ever made someone feel insignificant. He was the master of the interruption opportunity. Think about the woman who touched him while he was on his way to see a dying friend named Lazarus. Jesus took time to talk to her, to cherish her, and to commend her faith. She went away healed, but I think she also felt valued.

HT: dinorizzo

When I read this today it really struck a chord in me - When people are around me do they feel like they matter to God? As a wife, a sister, a daughter, a friend, it's not just what I say or do, but whether I am a reflection of Jesus, shining His light in the darkness and seeing people the way He does.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

encouraged. valued. uplifted. important. special. loved. this is how I feel when I get to hang out with Amber Cox :)