Friday, April 6, 2007

Easter is about Jesus

Peeps, jelly beans, lillys, chocolate...
What does this season make you think of? It makes me think of LIFE! I think it makes a lot of sense that Easter and Spring go hand-in-hand. Spring is my favorite season, other than summer...because everything comes back to life. Everything is blooming, trees are blossoming, grass is turning green again, birds are chirping, warm breezes are blowing, and I can't help but think about Jesus when spring is in the air. God sent His Son to give us life. Jesus gave his life so that we could live...then He rose again! Awesome!

"I have come that they might have life, and have it to the fullest."
- John 10:10

When I was growing up my mom's incredible gardens would attract a multitude of rabbits.

We had a 4 or 5 year run where each spring my brother Aaron would rescue a tiny bunny from the clenched jaws of our Kitty, and we would slowly nurse it back to health by feeding it through an eyedropper. We always thought of really great names for our bunnies; Hopper, Skipper, Jumper, Hoppy, Skippy, know
, really great names.

I remember collecting lettuce from the garden...because the little bunnies wouldn't eat the kind from the grocery. Inevitably the little bunnies would gain enough stamina to escape our grip and would typically end up hiding under Angela's dresser. This was a sign to mom and dad that the bunnies were healthy enough to set free, so the whole family would get in the van and drive somewhere into the woods. Dad would always find a tree or a fence with a "No Hunting" or "No Trespassing" sign on it, to ensure that our bunny would be safe if we let it go there.

Where am I going with this story??

...It's a story about bunnies! It's Easter!

But seriously folks, Easter is not about bunnies. It's about Jesus.


Ruby A. Moyer said...

Hi my friend. I now have a blog too.

B. Irv said...

I don't know about you guys, but it was colder today than Christmas! Nonetheless He is still risen indeed! Happy Resurrection Sunday!