Monday, March 5, 2007

Chris Cox Photo to be Displayed at Museum

Chris has been taking lots of art/photography classes at his high school since they moved to New York. His photography teacher submitted a bunch of his photos to Scholastic and Chris was awarded the Silver Key award from all submissions in Central New York! Scholastic chose his photo from all of the winners to be displayed at Everson Museum in Syracuse! He really has an artistic eye, and a huge interest in photography. His pictures are incredible, as you can see below.

I will be collecting his art piece by piece until I have a Chris Cox gallery in my house, where I will gladly sell you his photos for thousands of dollars.


Carlos said...

OK. That is rad. I would hang that on my wall.

Rite Me Up said...

Cool picture, my sister was one of the winners from Illinois, so her pictures are up there too.