Friday, August 7, 2009

2 Months Old!

In a couple of days Ruby will be 2 months old. She becoming less and less of a floppy pile of squishy newborn... now she's more of a wobbly pile of drooley squishiness. This picture was taken when she was just 9 days old and I can't get over those dimples in her elbow. 
I love being a mom - staring at her tiny eyelashes while she sleeps, breathing in the smell of her sweet skin and enjoying every warm moment of her snuggly self resting in the crook of my neck.  I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the gift of her life. My capacity to love is nothing compared to the Love that Christ has for us... truly incredible.


Anonymous said...

She's a beauty, Amber! You're making me so excited for my own :)

And ps...seriously, write that post about the hospital bag! Help!

Corrie and Phil said...

Perfectly said!!!