Sunday, October 5, 2008

Burgers and Brats

We love to see Luke and Lindsay, Joel and Sarah, Greg and Jen and their tiny baby Ayden. A bunch of our great friends were in town for our 5-year college reunion this we figured we'd take advantage of the situation and have everyone over for a grill-out Friday night. One of my favorite things about seeing Ryan with all of his buddies is how much they laugh when they're together. One of them will start telling a story, then a couple others will add to the story, then they all start laughing and can't finish the story. All of the wives also laugh... more at the guys than at the story.

Sarah made two INCREDIBLE pies (of course) but there was a bit of a mishap with the ice cream - it was too frozen to scoop. Luckily Joel and Ryan thought to remove the box first. Good thinking guys!

1 comment:

Matt said...

good looking crew. Missed you guys so much over homecoming. I am a bum.