Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am very pregnant...

I am very pregnant.

I can't get my rings off my fingers and by 2pm every day my ankles have chub lines. Is it possible to retain water in my eyelids?

I might be a tad uncomfortable - but at the same time I am experiencing more joy, more love, more anticipation for the future than ever before in my entire life. Other than marrying Ryan and getting to spend my life with him, this baby is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me.

In 4.5 weeks I'll be a mom - complete with mom jeans and a banana clip to keep my hair out of my face...awesome!


Mindy said...

4.5 weeks left! where does the time go? you look super cute. btw i love your dress! :) don't forget also - you have to wear sneakers with everything, carry a huge purse, and forget about wearing earrings and necklaces for the next year.... j/k ;)

chaddykathi said...

Bring on the Mom jeans!! :) Amber you are looking great! I hope the next 4.5 weeks fly by for you. I must say that when you're in your last drags on! You just wonder when the little tike might just want to make its debut...and I'm still waiting! :)

Kerri said...

You are too cute. I hated my prego pictures. Probably didn't help I was overweight to start with. Go for that Demi Moore cover shot girlfriend, you won't regret it.

Mo said...

aww. you look great. little coxy will be here before you know it. get some sleep :)

heather said...

You are definitely pregnant! you look amazing, though - that color is gorgeous on you!! Can't wait for you to be a mom.

now that i am a mom, i am especially sensitive about the clothes i wear - things i could have gotten away with when i was hip and single (like a velvet jumper) are no longer hip and cool now that i'm a mom. if you need fashion police in your life, i'm all over it. :)

(p.s. that water has to get out once you have the baby - no one ever warned me about that. i had serious night sweats for a while!)

Anonymous said...

You are truly the most beautiful pregnant person I have ever seen! :)