Not too far, just about 10 minutes from where we live now. Our little apartment downtown has served us well for the last year and a half...but with a baby on the way it's time to find a place that has room for a crib! Those of you who have seen our apartment will understand. Those of you who haven't will be saying "oh, babies don't take up that much space" but you haven't seen our little apartment.
We have 2.5 more years here in Grand Rapids, which was not quite enough time for us to feel comfortable buying something (Michigan's economy isn't doing too hot, in case you haven't watched the news lately) so we're staying on the renting band wagon for a few more years.
We did, however, find an ADORABLE little three bedroom house to rent in a great part of town where the laughter of children and conversations of friendly people who want to be my friend fill the air (there is a small possibility that I have built it up in my head a tiny bit.) This is a picture of the front door you will come in when you visit!
For the first time in our married life Ryan and I will have:
- a garage to park one car in
- a little yard to care for (currently looking for lawn mowers on Craig's List)
- a room with actual carpet on the floor
- windows that keep out the snow when they're closed
- a basement where we can store stuff!

Granny, Papaw, Mom and Dad were kind enough to help clean and measure windows and walls - then last night John and Angela came up to paint!
My family is too kind. I ordered them a pizza to celebrate.
It's not that the baby takes up a lot of room its all the stuff the baby "needs." Good call on a bigger place. You won't regret it!
ditto the above. it's amazing how much colorful plastic can accumulate and take over a space.
that place looks really cute! i bet you're excited to not get any more visits from that peeing guy outside your house. :) :) :) how have you been feeling? do you have another ultrasound coming up soon? i can't believe you're already at week 18, it seems like it's flying by!
YAAAY, Ambs! I am so excited for you - what a fun time. I hope the moving/transition continues to go well. I have to come check it out (and your expanding belly soon!) :)
carpet is overrated--garages are not. the house looks cool and the backyard looks ready for a grill out! gotta eat this chicken!
Babies come with gadgets. Lots of them : ) Looks great! It will be great to get settled before baby comes. Are you going to find out whether its a boy or girl?
Amber, I realized the street this house is on is the one directly behind the street I grew up on (Reynard). It is such a great neighborhood! I really hope you enjoy it! The church my parents go to is about 2 blocks away.
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