This has been an incredible day! Ryan and I went in for our ultrasound and are thrilled to announce that we are going to have a healthy baby! Praise the LORD!! Here are a few fun shots for you to enjoy/decipher.To be completely honest, lots of times the ultrasound technician would say things like, "oh, there's an arm" and I would cock my head to the right and really try to see that arm...but I had no idea what I was looking at. Check out the little praying arms in this pic!
Ryan is such a professional. He was asking questions like "How do the kidney's look?" "Is that the left ventricle?" and "How's the level of amniotic fluid?" I, on the other hand, was asking questions like "Ooh, ooh, can we see the foot?"
After the ultrasound I met with my doctor to hear her input on how the baby is doing. She said, "The baby is already 1 pound 2 ounces...which is the 90th percentile!" I said, "Is that good?" and she said "Yes, just big and we might consider moving your due date up a week!"
So there you go! Talk about healthy! Whew! Ryan and I are both pretty gigantic basketball playing-type people, so I'm not surprised that our baby is growing like a weed already!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Baby Cox
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YAY - we are super excited for you guys and Sadie can't wait to hang out with the new little one. Summer will for sure be an adventure!!!
great pics! but let your doctor decipher your due date - remember the u/s is just an estimate :) We are excited for you both, its a great addition to life.
These pics make me seriously happy! Love you guys!
Yeah, plus the due date might be perfectly accurate and you might still go a week or more early, or a week or more late... the baby just comes when its ready! But it's good to hear that Baby is growing strong and has nice kidneys and heart chambers. You're definitely right in the middle of the "fun" part of pregnancy so enjoy!
oh FUN!! i never had an u/s so i missed out on all the excitement of SEEING my baby like this - so glad you guys got this...and so glad to hear everything is going great!!
I remember a couple of ultrasounds where I couldn't decipher what was on the screen. Phil pointed things out saying, "Oh, there's her this or that." By the time I thought that I was seeing the right thing, the baby shifted to a different position.
Enjoy EVERY stage of the journey. It truly is one of lifes greatest miracles/blessings.
Ambs!!! I love it that Ryan acted so professional. I'm so excited to meet baby Cox!!!
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