Monday, September 13, 2010


It's breathtakingly BEAUTIFUL weather in Michigan right now. Sunny skies, brisk breezes, cool air and some leaves are beginning to turn. Yesterday we spent a little time in the park by Reeds Lake.
Ruby played with her ball, walked around in the grass and of course "talked" on the cell phone. I love her face looking at Ryan talking on the phone.
When she says "phone" she puts a great deal of emphasis on the "ne" at the end. Phone (fo-nah) has 2 syllables when she says it. Hilarious.
In other news, Ruby had her 15-month check-up this morning and her weight is following right along the 10th percentile on the growth curve. She was 50th for height and 90th for head size. Our pediatrician says she is destined to be "long and lean" - which is good news for her since neither of those words would be used to describe either of her parents.


Anonymous said...

hehehe, fo-nah goes along with co-dah for cold,,,love her!! Nana

Do Something said...

I love how Ruby is looking at her daddy while he's on the though she's making sure he's doing it right :)

Stephanie Lancione said...

The picture of her with the cell phone is ADORBALE!