Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bailey Loves Ribs

Aaron and Tracy got a tiny Golden Retriever puppy in January. Bailey has grown like a weed since then - but she still likes to sit on Tracy's lap. She is such a good dog, as fun and friendly as you would expect a golden pup to be.
Robbie came over for a grill out one night - The boys pretty much dominated the grilled ribs situation. They spent many hours researching exactly what they wanted to do, buying supplies, pre-baking, marinating, and finally - grilling.
By the time we sat down to eat, Bailey was so hungry she grabbed a 1/4 rack from Ryan's plate and took of through the backyard. Aaron chased her down and recovered the meal, which he kindly offered back to Ryan. Bailey had BBQ sauce all over her face - so Aaron gave her a bath, which she might have enjoyed as much as the taste of ribs in her mouth.

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