A certain skinny, healthy friend of mine recently told me about delicious and nutritious black bean brownies. She said they are "So good, so fudgey and high in protein so they're good for you!"
Of course, I was intrigued so I decided to give it a try - I had simple instructions: instead of adding eggs and water to the brownie mix, simply dump in a can of black beans, stir and bake as usual.

Seriously, not good people...not good.
If you google "black bean brownies" there are tons of people out there (Kelli) who apparently really love these crazy treats.
Give it a try and see for yourself. Personally, I think they're nasty nast!
I made a gingerbread cake with broccoli puree last year (see Jessica Seinfeld's Deceptively Delicious). The smell was disgusting as it baked-totally broccoli! The cake was not bad (super cold!) but no one here would touch it! LISA V
you're hysterical! sounds like you beat my disgusting yogurt brownies by just a hair. same instructions "dump in yogurt instead of all the good ingredients". It was revolting. but i do think that biting into a bean in the middle of a brownie would raise it to a whole new level of nastiness. i don't know who these people are that think throwing bad ingredients in will ever come out with something good!
There is a reason why the brownie box doesn't say "Feel free to substitute any ingrediant with black beans, vinegar, sour kraut or liver." It's because they have gone to the trouble of showing you the indrediants that work
Oh My Gosh... You are so funny!! I can't believe that you tried that! EEEWWW! I can't even begin to figure out what that must of tasted like! Sorry but I agree with Nic! HA! your the best! Love ya Sis!
Funny you had a bad experience. I've actually made these before and they turned out great. You do have to puree the beans first. I think I mixed the beans first and then added the mix in either the blender or the food processor. I can't remember as it was quite some time ago. I encourage you to try again. :)
Ha! Amber... YOU HAVE TO PUT THE CAN OF BEANS IN THE BLENDER FIRST! You should give it another try. You are funny.
beans and brownies don't mix. ever.
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