Monday, April 3, 2006

648 Miles

This weekend was a blast! Ryan got home from Colorado Friday morning so when I got home from work on Friday night we got in the car and drove to Michigan. Early Saturday morning we woke up, ate some eggo waffles, got in the car with Dad, went to pick up Angela and Johnnie, and headed to Troy, Michigan to spend a day with my brother, Aaron.

We got to Aaron's just in time for lunch. Checked out "Outdoor World" - of cou
rse, went to the mall where Aaron works (which is only for the elite, rich and famous. We felt like poor people the whole time we were walking around. I didn't know I had to get my hair and nails done before going shopping). Aaron ran into Heather Locklear the day before we got there. Ryan did some secret shopping at Abercrombie. Ryan's report to Aaron was that no one said anything to him during his walk thru the store.

After that, we called Sandy - my roomie from College who came out to meet us for dinner at Mongolian BBQ. Sandy is hilarious! She is a gym teacher for 7th and 8th grade girls - only she actually participates in all the activities that she plans for her classes, including the daily push-ups.

Dad got us some hotel rooms for the night, and the next morning we got in the car and drove back to Chicago. On the way home we stopped to check out the Michigan Whitetail Hall of Fame you can see from the pictures.


Anonymous said...

of all the thousands of times I've been to Somerset Mall, I have NEVER seen anyone remotely famous. How does your brother do it????

Anonymous said...

Best trip ever....
Best BLOG ever...
Best memories ever...
- Mark Beeson